Friday, April 12, 2013

Isn't death the ultimate answer??

That day when melancholy grasped my heart for one more time, the day when thoughts of you became more inevitable, the day I got tired of thinking about our deserted relationship, the day I started doubting myself  if I can take all the lifetime pain I’ve been bestowed with or not, the day all my philosophy either fled away or dried away in the deserts of our relationship, the day my wit and my knowledge got lost in the dark tunnel of pain, “I made a decision, a decision of getting rid of all this, of this non-confined and unending pain, to get rid of faith and belief that I can control my feelings and my life, to get rid of my unsure happiness, I made a decision of attaining peace….”
I thought and searched all probable and possible methods of getting It, but I failed.. Couldn’t see any path from where I can go to a place where I can get it except the road to your house. Fortunately-unfortunately, luckily-unluckily I didn’t take it, I couldn’t take it…..
I consulted my friends and benevolents  and a major reply of getting numb in the form of solution of getting peace…
Well, getting numb is another form of obtaining peace but for a short span of time. “There s a thin line between attaining peace and getting numbed, by former we mean calmness, somberness, for a stable period or for a lifetime but from latter one we get confused of attaining peace..”  Once we get over the numbness, the problems and worries feign us again… I calculated all this in that while, made all the combinations and permutations in my mind.. Yet on that particular time I made my mind to get numbed….
Suggestions came flying and flowing, the easiest, simplest and the cheapest way of attaining The Numbness : by taking the help of Alcohol… Yes alcohol! This was the way by which I was trying to bury your thoughts : by dipping it in alcohol….
Bottles were bought and brought and so called pegs were made… So…. Battle field was ready and all the firearms were ready to fire.. Only thing left was, making an order.. Took the glass in my left hand and your thoughts in another, tried to weigh them… The left hand seemed much lighter.. Yet, I avoided it and took the glass and bade goodbye to all your thoughts.. Raised it to the lips, took it too close till it finally filled the gaps between the lips and the glass… But couldn’t take it.. why?? Because your bellicose thoughts came to my mind with a flame which burnt the decision of getting numbed… The flame was nothing but the promise that I’ll never smoke or drink whatever the consequences are… Once again I felt weakness in my hand and it started trembling.. It forced me to throw away the glass before gulping the material in it… “The time when my wit and knowledge left me alone, your thoughts guided me through the tunnel of negativity..” How many are so lucky to get a person like you, even in their thoughts..?
That made me think of some other way of getting peace.. This time I was more desperate to attain peace and “that for a lifetime”… The solution struck my mind with a lightning speed… To get a lifetime peace all I need to do is “CUT”.. 
And I did cut… If succeeded, I would’ve been “resting in peace”..
“Life is all about getting satisfaction and peace.. All we need to do is cut.. It only depends where and what are we cutting..”