Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Close or closed?

Tuesday Night..!!

While sipping on the silence of night, this one thought is continuously fighting for its existence.. For the past few weeks, it has strengthened and has started to threat, that if is not allowed to come out, it will start to devestate. Seems, tonight it has won the fight.. Or maybe I am ready to leave it in the outer world to roam freely, any of them can be the possibility..
What is the meaning of being alone? Simply, it denotes the non-availability of someone close to us.. Or maybe, dis-allowance of that close one from coming nearby.. But do we really need to be alone? I Guess, not..! If we want to be alone, at a specific time, such as when the heart starts to feel heavy, or when the wheels of some perishing thoughts starts to revolve or when a hurricane of worries arrive..then it simply means that we are not allowing our close ones, at the time when they are most needed, thus making them ineligible from falling under this very category.. People falling under this category are not the ones with whom we spend our maximum time, or talk the most..instead they are the ones with whom we are willing to share our internal ruckus and chaos, the ones on whose words we can put our shoulders and cry, the ones with whom we are willing to share our demons with, the ones on whom we can rely.. But if we are not allowing them to peek inside of us, at the time of the unstability, vulnerability, then it means, those persons are not your "Close ones", in fact they are the "Closed ones"..closed in an envelope and thrown away in the ice of departure, to freeze..

O Life..! Drag me closer to you.. Allow me to peek inside you, so that I can hold your demons and provide you the support you need..